

You should be the most significant person in your life. Our value of ourselves determines our sense of self-worth. This value relates to how we view and handle ourselves. Despite your best efforts, if you find yourself constantly battling, you may be missing out on something.

Luck and effort go hand in hand. There are no set parts. Everything is subject to change. All that is necessary is the desire, the resolve, and the will to alter it. Even if you may be working very hard, there are still other things to take into account that could hinder your success. Your psychic number, destiny number, and name number should always be in harmony because numbers play such an important role in life.

Common Questions & Queries:

Will the YEAR 2025 be good for me?
Is my Name Compatible With my DOB? Suggest Remedy.
Is my Mobile Number LUCKY for me or not?
Is my Car Number LUCKY for me or not?
Is my House Number LUCKY for me or not?
Which are my lucky number(s)?
Which are my lucky color to wear?
Which are my LUCKY Dates?
Is my Name LUCKY for me or not?
Which is my Ruling Planet or ISTH Dev?
Which Gemstones should I wear?
Which years will be good for my profession or my personal life?


Each planet has a certain number linked with it in numerology. Your date of birth is a celebration of your health. Numerology reveals what types of traits and health issues one might have according to their date of birth. There is a remarkable connection between numbers and your fate.

Ask about your health problems and solutions for a better life.

I keep suffering from health problems. Can you please suggest a remedy?
Will I get rid of my Health Problem?
How will be my Health?
Which YEAR will be good for my health?
Will the YEAR 2025 be good for my health?


Business numerology is all about comparing your good or bad numbers to the name of your company, brand, or business. Choosing a suitable company name based on numerological calculations may bring you luck. We also take into account other suitable variables when determining the business numerology. This includes figuring out the ideal time to establish a firm, the optimal period to close deals, vetting potential business partners, and much more.

Numerologists say that many people who don’t get their numbers verified often start their businesses on the dates they choose, only to run into several problems later on, such as financial losses, legal problems, problems with business partners, etc.

Common Questions & Queries:

Which BUSINESS will be most suitable for me?
Is my current business right for me?
When will my business improve or should I change my business?
Should I start a business? If yes, which business is right for me? When should I start it?
I have decided to start a business. I have some brand names in mind. Which one should I choose?
I want to start a business at a certain property. Is it suitable for me?
Is the brand name that I am using in my business right for me? If not, please suggest suitable changes
I want to run a business in partnership with a few individuals. Should I go ahead?


Your life is significantly influenced by your planets. On the basis of one’s destiny number, one must select a career or job. If you are chosen opposite to your planet’s compatibility, there is a potential that you would put in more effort throughout your life with little or no permanent reward.

Many people encounter various hurdles along their job path. We’ve highlighted a few of the typical career issues that people run through below. If your date of birth indicates that you are one of those with career-related concerns or job discontent, contact Archana Goyal and schedule an appointment to receive the appropriate career/job assistance.

Common Questions & Queries:

What are the chances of my promotion in my company?
What career should I choose?
I have the choice of moving to a new organization. Should I make the move? If yes, is there a suitable date when I should do that?
Will I get a government job?
Which profession/business should my child opt for after education?


There are students all across the world who are always excited about the prospect of studying abroad, but as time goes on, this enthusiasm has progressively turned into a trend. Each year, the proportion of candidates who are overseas students rises, as does the level of competition.

Nearly every expat encounters a decision to make at some point during their time living abroad: should they stay or should they leave? Numerous difficulties and restless nights may result from it.

Archana Goyal helps you to out of this situation by giving you some guidance on below some of your queries:

Are there any chances of me going abroad?
Will I get a job in abroad?
Suggest suitable changes to increase my chances of settling abroad?


How to make a marriage successful? These days, people frequently ask queries like these. But this must be discussed before getting married. If you and your partner get your compatibility tested before getting married, it can help you save a lot of difficulties.

When boys and girls have opposite birth numbers, their marriages might be fraught with difficulties. Use numerology & Tarot card compatibility and matching to find out how compatible you are with your mate. For the best marriage advice based on your name and date of birth, book an appointment with Archana Goyal.

Common Questions & Queries:

When will I get married?
I have a marriage proposal. Is it suitable for me?
After marriage, I am feeling uncomfortable. What is the reason? Any remedy.List item
Will this new person in my life be compatible with me?
Confused about how to predict the correct time for marriage?


Why do marriages end in divorce or why do relationships fail? Here is the numerology theory that provides the solution. Relationship compatibility problems occur when a person’s numbers don’t match those of their spouse.

Relationship compatibility is checked between two business partners, as well as that between parents and children, a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law, an employee and their employer, and more.

Common Questions & Queries:

Check Compatibility with my Life Partner/Lover?
How will be my relationship with my partner?
Why so many breakups in my life and I am not able to a find good relationship?
Why are my parents never happy with me?


Parents consider their newborn as a priceless gift. Why not, then? You must appreciate the priceless gift of life that God has given you. Parents often choose a renowned or famous person’s name for their newborn baby while naming the child. According to the celebrity’s date of birth, the renowned name may be appropriate for them, but it might not be for your child.

Common Questions & Queries:

Which name will be Suitable for my Child?
Which career will be most suitable for my Child?
Pls suggest a luck name for my ChildList item
Which delivery date will be the most suitable for me so that I bear a healthy and lucky child?

Consult with Archana Goyal

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